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Make money while
heping your visitors

Earn cash quickly with the world’s largest expert Q&A site​

Why GeekSupport

GeekSupport is the leading expert help site, with over 16 million questions answered since 2003. Your customers can chat directly with doctors, lawyers, mechanics, and more in minutes, 24/7. Check out GeekSupport.

Customized for your site

Choose the right category for your visitors to connect them with doctors, lawyers, mechanics, vets and more.​

Delight your visitors

Help your visitors solve problems quickly and affordably. They’ll save time & money over in-person services – and love you for it!​​​​

Earn up to $15 per sale

Payouts range from $5 - $15 per sale*. With our high-converting chat assistant, you could earn thousands per month!​

Our top-performing chat widgets

Your customers will love our friendly "live" chat assistant. It uses AI to engage visitors with a personalized conversation, quickly connecting them to doctors, lawyers, vets, and more.

Expanded chat assistant

Our top-performer draws attention with an overlay display and
auto-triggers after 15 seconds. Multiple sizes. (Complies with latest Google mobile requirements.)

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Subtle chat assistant

A chat teaser anchored to bottom right of screen, manually triggered to expand into the pop-up chat assistant.​ (Complies with latest Google mobile requirements.)​

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Lightbox chat assistant

Our newest widget requires a user action with a full-screen lightbox takeover.​ (Complies with latest Google mobile requirements.) Only available for legal, medical and vet categories.​

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Fixed chat assistant

his fixed-width widget delivers the same interactive chat experience and fits well into various page layouts. Multiple sizes.​

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Have a question about the partner program

*Subject to the terms of the Referral Aggrement

What our client says

A Revolution in Accessing Quality Professional Help

"I used to be frustrated when I needed a legal opinion. I'd have to make an appointment, wait several days and then pay a ton of money for a simple question."

A Revolution in Accessing Quality Professional Help

"I used to be frustrated when I needed a legal opinion. I'd have to make an appointment, wait several days and then pay a ton of money for a simple question."

A Revolution in Accessing Quality Professional Help

"I used to be frustrated when I needed a legal opinion. I'd have to make an appointment, wait several days and then pay a ton of money for a simple question."