By Laura.cox

Posted in: Home Repair

july 12, 2023

With an extreme heat wave sending temps soaring across much of the US this summer, people are desperately seeking ways to
keep their homes cool without sending their power bills soaring. Expert platform GeekSupport HVAC expert Randy Huckstadt is
swamped with questions on this topic daily – and he has a few insider tips to share.

How to Boost Your Air Conditioning Efficiency and Keep Your House Cool in Extreme Heat

1) Change your air filter. Use a pleated filter, with a MERV Rating of 8 or higher. I use K&N Permanent Washable Lifetime Filter
with a MERV rating of 11 Do not use the fiberglass spun .99 Center. Using a fresh filter ensures your AC unit is working to its
maximum efficiency.

2) Keep the area around your outside condensing unit clear, and even gently rinse the coil with fresh water (Don’t worry - you
can’t hurt it.). Resist the urge to cover the unit with a sunshade or physical cover. I understand trying to protect your equipment from
the harsh UV Rays, however Air Conditioning Condensing Units love to breathe, much like an old school carburetor on a hot rod or
you and I taking a deep breath of fresh air. Your AC Condensing Unit needs to breathe. When you place a sunshade over your
equipment, you restrict its capability to breathe properly, thus reducing its efficiency and taking dollars out of your pocket.

3) Pre-cool the house in the mornings when temps are lower and less costly. But do NOT turn the AC on and off when
you leave and turn it back on when you return to the house.
When you turn the AC off or down, your house will warm up – and that
means you're letting everything (Furniture, walls, floors, etc.) warm up. The amount of energy it takes to re-cool everything back
down far outweighs what you think you are saving. In our extreme heats, if you raise your thermostat 5-8 degrees, depending on
insulation factors, It can take 10 to 20 minutes and your room temp is now 5-8 degrees warmer. The AC is back on but if you're gone
for 3 - 4 hrs. EVERYTHING Heated up. Now to bring it back down when you get home can be an hour or two of straight runtime,
maybe more. No savings. Instead, you’ll actually have a higher power bill. I tell all my homeowners, instead, to SET IT AND
FORGET IT...... Decide a day temp and a sleeping temp and leave the thermostat alone.

4) From the early morning on, keep blinds pulled or have sun shade screens installed. There is typically an energy credit for
these blinds or shades.

5) Have your AC unit serviced by a good reputable service provider. Try and get the same technician when you need them or
have them perform maintenance. Make sure they check your capacitors, as these are the number-one reason for premature motor
failure in an AC unit.

For this and any other home or HVAC concerns, Randy and many other GeekSupport experts are available 24/7, 365 days/year to
help at